CICLIKS COURSE: Preparing your article or book chapter for publication and drafting compelling conference abstracts
CICLIKS COURSE: Preparing your article or book chapter for publication and drafting compelling conference abstracts
CICLIKS COURSE: Preparing your article or book chapter for publication and drafting compelling conference abstracts
- Course details:
- Course: Preparing your article or book chapter for publication and drafting compelling conference abstracts (face to face).
- Teacher: Lisa Mann
- Schedule and timetable: 6th, 8th and 13th November 2023, from 10 to 12.30 a.m.
- Classroom: To be confirmed
- Enrollment period: from October 24 to 31
- Place allocation: November 2.
- Registration: registration form
- Participants must bring to the sessions:
- a draft of an article or chapter they are writing or have written and, if applicable, the conference abstracts they have written (accepted or rejected)
- for the follow-up sessions, their completed assignments
- at least one original research article or book chapter (not reviews) in their area of interest to use as models (articles must be from indexed journals)
Attendance certificate and Cancellation Policy: Please, check these procedures on the program's web site.
Please, remember that when answering the questionnaire you are already enrolling in this program.