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Audiovisual Sostenible



El modelo “triple one” y sus posibilidades de producción para el mercado de ficción audiovisual

"Como toda industria, la ficción audiovisual aposenta sus principios en dos columnas básicas que sostienen el alma del negocio: Entretener fascinando al mayor número de espectadores posibles con criterios de calidad artística, y generar ingresos suficientes para poder seguir manteniendo un óptimo nivel producción que conjugue los tres valores esenciales: Calidad, crítica y rendimiento. (...)"



L’ecoproducció passa per Choulequec

“ En aquell moment, intentàvem vendre coses a la televisió, però estava molt formatat. Vam agafar el vagó de YouTube per divertir-nos i temps després, Studio Bagel i Canal + van venir a veure’ns i ens van ajudar a produir dues pastilles: Le Département i després foto romana. Des de l’any passat ens hem alliberat una mica de Canal + per crear la nostra pròpia estructura, Oups Production, que ens permet treballar en altres formats, llargs, curts i sèries. Començant per Choulequec, que originalment era un projecte en sèrie, que vam adaptar a un curtmetratge.? ” Un projecte a llarg termini per als dos directors, Matthias Girbig i Benoît Blanc, que s’inspiren en el Monty Python i l’humor absurd en general. " ?Ens encanta la comèdia absurda que tendeix cap a l’estrany. A França no ho fem molts. La referència a Quentin Dupieux torna sovint, sobretot perquè és l’únic que es coneix en aquest gènere. Però també associem molt a l’humor anglès i als fantàstics universos linquians, per exemple.? ” (...)



We finally know how bad for the environment your Netflix habit is. Streaming platforms finally have a tool to evaluate the size of their carbon footprint. Now they need to take action and go green

"What's worse for the planet? Driving to the supermarket for your weekly shop or spending all day on Zoom calls while binging The Office on repeat? Now, finally, we have an answer. Sort of.

For the first time, Netflix has revealed specific details about its carbon footprint. Using a tool called DIMPACT, developed by researchers at the University of Bristol, Netflix claims that one hour of streaming on its platform in 2020 used less than 100gCO2e (a hundred grams of carbon dioxide equivalent) – that’s less than driving an average car a quarter of a mile. For people binging Netflix, that’s useful context – but for the streaming giant, it provides crucial data to help it reduce its vast carbon footprint" (...)



The Sustainable Future of Video EntertainmentFrom creation to consumption

"The world has witnessed significant change since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Life expectancy has more than doubled; travel across the planet can happen in less than a day; loved ones can be reached via a video screen and vast quantities of information can be accessed at the touch of a button. But as our quality of life, and the science and technology that has facilitated this, has improved, so too has our impact on the earth’s biosphere become more pronounced. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the earth’s atmosphere – seven of which contribute to climate change, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4,), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hexafluoride (SF6), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) – have grown exponentially since the 1970s leading to a range of pernicious ecological, physical and health impacts" (...)