The Bonn-Barcelona micro-, and macro- EEG database
Link to the data can be found below. The data on this page was first analyzed in:
Some indications are given below, but the exact details of the data source this database was extracted from are in [1].
For the present database, we included segments of long-term intracranial EEG recordings performed simultaneously with macro contacts and micro wires. For a further description of these recordings, please refer to [1]. After visual inspection for artifacts, 960 multichannel EEG signals of 32 s duration were selected and cut out from the long-term EEG data. No clinical selection criteria such as the presence or absence of epileptiform activity were applied. Please note that the signals included in these sets are randomized with regard to the patient and recording electrode. Accordingly, the information which signals corresponds to which patient or recording electrode is not available.
Important remark: The signals you can download here are not filtered or downsampled.
The signals are available in TXT and in MatLab format. There are two ZIP-files available. Both ZIP-files contain the same material, for one file the content is stored as TXT-files and for the other the content is stored as MatLab-files:
Each ZIP-file contains 8 folders. Each folder contains 120 TXT-files/MatLab-files. Each file contains one multichannel signal with 16 channels corresponding to the 16 available recording channels available for each hybrid depth electrode (For TXT-files columns are separated by a space). The signals recorded with macro electrodes are contained in columns 1 to 8, the inner- and outermost channels are displayed from 1 to 8. The signals recorded with micro wires are contained in columns 9 to 16. All files have 65536 rows. Subsequent rows correspond to subsequent samples. The files contain no headers.
Files with F and NF contain focal and non-focal multichannel signals, respectively. The names of the files have a letter that denotes the phase of the sleep-wake cycle in which the EEG signals were recorded, namely, wakefulness state (W), rapid eye movement sleep (R), light sleep (S1), and slow-wave sleep states (S2). To prevent an excess of complexity, slow-wave sleep stages N2 and N3 described in [1] were merged into set S2. The number in the file name corresponds to the index of the multichannel signal contained in this file.
Mirrowed material
Identical material mirrowed at library page: e-Repositori
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