Soundlights, new project at the MTG funded by BIT Habitat (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
Soundlights, new project at the MTG funded by BIT Habitat (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
The project aims to contribute to reduce the noise pollution in the city of Barcelona
Noise pollution is a serious problem in Barcelona City, linked to health problems and negative social effects. Although the administration regulates the level of decibels allowed, there are other aspects to consider since other factors influence people's perception of noise.
The project Soundlights (Semàfors Acústics) aims to address the problem of urban noise pollution, prototyping a system of distributed noise sensors, not limited to measuring sound pressure in decibels (dB), but through the use of advanced AI techniques, will identify specific sound sources, estimate their energy and other physical characteristics, and perform more accurate monitoring of the sound space. The project is commited with the use of open source technologies and data. Soundlights also aims to promote the citizen's consciousness about sound and noise pollution and improve their wellbeing in the city.
Soundlights is a collaboration with BitLab, a cooperative with a relevant trajectory designing and developing social innovation and digital culture projects that work at the intersections of digital culture, social transformation, technological sovereignty, musical pedagogies, communication and audiovisual production. The project is funded by BIT Habitat – Ajuntament de Barcelona, in the frame of the program La Ciutat Proactiva. This program aims to promote open, plural, and multidisciplinary urban innovation to find real solutions to the challenges that Barcelona City faces in the near future.
Project funded by BIT Habitat: