Back Rafael Caro talks about Musical Bridges on Catalunya Música

Rafael Caro talks about Musical Bridges on Catalunya Música

Rafael Caro was interviewed on the radio program Assaig General of Catalunya Música to talk about Musical Bridges


Last week we launched the course "India and China through their music", as part of the project Musical Bridges. This course offers an approach to the culture and society of India and China through the understanding, appreciation and engaged listening of two of their most representative musical genres, respectively khayāl and jingju. It counts with the collaboration of Casa Asia, Fundació Institut Confuci de Barcelona, and Recercaixa program.

In order to talk about this course, Rafael Caro was invited to participate on the radio program Assaig General of Catalunya Música last Friday 8 February.

The interview is available in the following link from minute 27:34




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