Freesound gets a new look
Freesound gets a new look
Last week, a new user interface was released for our Freesound website. The new user interface brings a modern look to Freesound, and also includes many new features. Furthermore, the new interface is a big improvement in terms software maintainability and thus makes Freesound more sustainable. Freesound is now, more than ever, ready for the future.
Since its inception in 2005, Freesound’s user interface had only been updated once with the release of “Freesound 2” in 2011. The current release, codenamed Beast Whoosh (or Freesound 3) has been in preparation for a number of years and has been through a very extended public beta in which we’ve been able to collect a lot of feedback from the community to improve the interface. More information about the new user interface, including a detailed list of improvements and new features, can be found in this blog post: In the screenshots below you can see the landing pages of Freesound 1, 2 and 3.