Back The MTG participates in the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2024)

The MTG participates in the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2024)

The conference takes place in San Francisco, USA, from November 10th to 14th, 2024


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The ISMIR conference is the world’s leading research forum on processing, analysis, indexing, organizing, and retrieval of music-related data. At this year’s ISMIR (, MTG researchers are presenting quite a number of research results.


In the Scientific Programme, the following papers are authored/co-authored by MTG members:

Hyon Kim, Xavier Serra. "A Method for MIDI Velocity Estimation for Piano Performance by a U-Net with Attention and FiLM".

Jyoti Narang, Nazif Can Tamer, Viviana De La Vega, Xavier Serra. "Automatic Estimation of Singing Voice Musical Dynamics"

Recep Oguz Araz, Xavier Serra, Dmitry Bogdanov. "Discogs-VI: A Musical Version Identification Dataset Based on Public Editorial Metadata".

Adithi Shankar Sivasankar, Genís Plaja-Roglans, Thomas Nuttall, Martín Rocamora, Xavier Serra. "Saraga Audiovisual: a large multimodal open data collection for the analysis of Carnatic Music".

Roser Batlle-Roca, Wei-Hsiang Liao, Xavier Serra, Yuki Mitsufuji, Emilia Gomez. "Towards Assessing Data Replication in Music Generation with Music Similarity Metrics on Raw Audio"

Pedro Ramoneda, Vsevolod E Eremenko, Alexandre D'Hooge, Emilia Parada-Cabaleiro, Xavier Serra. "Towards Explainable and Interpretable Musical Difficulty Estimation: A Parameter-efficient Approach".

Behzad Haki, Nicholas Evans, Sergi Jordà. "El Bongosero: A Crowd-sourced Symbolic Dataset of Improvised Hand Percussion Rhythms Paired with Drum Patterns".

Benno Weck, Ilaria Manco, Emmanouil Benetos, Elio Quinton, George Fazekas, Dmitry Bogdanov. "MuChoMusic: Evaluating Music Understanding in Multimodal Audio-Language Models". (Best Paper Award)

Pedro Ramoneda, Martín Rocamora, Taketo Akama. "Music Proofreading with RefinPaint: Where and How to Modify Compositions given Context".

Lucas Maia, Richa Namballa, Martín Rocamora, Magdalena Fuentes, Carlos Guedes. "Investigating Time-Line-Based Music Traditions with Field Recordings: A Case Study of Candomblé Bell Patterns"


The following journal papers published at TISMIR will be presented at the conference:

Plaja-Roglans, G., Nuttall, T., Pearson, L., Serra, X., & Miron, M. (2023). Repertoire- Specific Vocal Pitch Data Generation for Improved Melodic Analysis of Carnatic Music. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 6(1), 13–26. DOI: 

Maia, L.S., Rocamora, M., Biscainho, L.W.P. and Fuentes, M. (2024). Selective Annotation of Few Data for Beat Tracking of Latin American Music Using Rhythmic Features. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 7(1), p. 99–112. DOI:



Emilia Gomez gives a Pre-Conference Keynote.


Satelite Envents:

Martin Rocamora is part of the Organizing Committee of the 1st Latin American Music Information Retrieval (LAMIR) workshop,

Benno Weck is part of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd Workshop on NLP for Music and Audio,