Back The MTG participates in the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022)

The MTG participates in the 23rd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2022)

The conference takes place in Bengaluru, India, from December 4th to 8th


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The ISMIR conference is the world’s leading research forum on processing, searching, organizing, and accessing music-related data. At ISMIR, MTG researchers are presenting quite a number of research results and are involved in organizational tasks.

• G. Cortès, A. Ciurana, E. Molina, M. Miron, O. Meyers, J. Six, X. Serra: Baf: An Audio Fingerprinting Dataset For Broadcast Monitoring
• A. Morsi, X. Serra. Bottlenecks And Solutions For Audio To Score Alignment Research
• P. Alonso-Jiménez, X. Serra, D. Bogdanov: Music Representation Learning Based on Editorial Metadata from Discogs
• N. Can Tamer, P. Ramoneda, X. Serra: Violin Etudes: A Comprehensive Dataset for f0 Estimation and Performance Analysis
• G. Plaja-Roglans, M. Miron, X. Serra: A diffusion-inspired training strategy for singing voice extraction in the waveform domain
• D. Bogdanov, X. Lizarraga-Seijas, P. Alonso-Jiménez, X. Serra: MusAV: A dataset of relative arousal-valence annotations for validation of audio models
• T. Nuttall, G. Plaja-Roglans, L. Pearson, X. Serra: In Search Of Sañcāras: Tradition-Informed Repeated Melodic Pattern Recognition In Carnatic Music

• T. Nuttall, G. Plaja-Roglans, L. Pearson, B.Manickavasakan, A. Srinivasamurthy, K. Kanti Ganguli: Computational Methods For Supporting Corpus-Based Research On Indian Art Music
• C. Bauer, A. Ferraro, E. Gómez, L. Porcaro: Trustworthy MIR: Creating MIR applications with values

Late Breaking/Demo presentations:
• H. Kim, M. Miron, X. Serra: Note level MIDI velocity estimation for piano performance
• A. Andrew Correya, D. Bogdanov, P. Alonso-Jiménez, X. Serra: Essentia API: a web API for music audio analysis
• I. Manco, B. Weck, P. Tovstogan, M. Won, D. Bogdanov: Song Describer: a Platform for Collecting Textual Descriptions of Music Recordings

Apart from the research presentations, we want to highlight the following involvements at ISMIR 2022:
Organizing Team: Xavier Serra and Rafael Caro are Scientific Program Chairs and Marius Miron is Publications Chair
Music Program: Jyoti Narang and Thomas Nuttall perform a piece in the concert
Special sessions: Xavier Serra is the moderator of “Enhancing music listening with MIR” and Emilia Gómez of “TISMIR: the open journal of the ISMIR society.”
Satellite event: The MTG is co-organizing the CompMusic 2022 workshop, which takes place in Chennai from Dec. 12th to 16th.

It is also relevant to mention that a number of our Master and PhD students are involved as volunteers to help during the conference, and also we should highlight that many MTG alumni are participating to ISMIR. ISMIR is clearly the most relevant conference for all the MTG community.

ISMIR 2022: