Talk on Music Recommendation and Diversity at the European Researchers' Night
Lorenzo Porcaro will present his research on September 23rd
The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. It aims to bring research and researchers closer to the public, promote excellent research projects across Europe and beyond, increase the interest of young people in science and research careers, and showcase the impact of researchers' work on people's daily lives. In Catalonia, for more than two years it has been organized this great event, offering more than 200 dissemination activities for all the public in different areas such as universities, museums, bars, libraries, and cultural centers in the five main centers of Catalonia: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona, and Vic. This year, the theme is "Research for the change", in which the idea is to transmit the importance of research into Catalan institutions and their findings from day to day.
Lorenzo Porcaro, researcher at the MTG, will participate in this year edition of the European Researchers' Night on September 23rd, 2021 between 15:30-16.15h at Auditori Barradas, presenting a microtalk on Music Recommendation and Diversity: Challenges and Opportunities of the Algorithms
This talk aims to present how technological innovations are influencing access to and perception of music in digital environments. Today, it is very easy to listen to new music by accessing huge catalogs offered by streaming platforms. On these platforms, recommender systems are designed to help us find new music that best fits our needs. How do these systems work? Do they help us expand our music panorama, or do they close in filter bubbles? How can an algorithm represent the diversity of our musical heritage? These are some of the questions we will discuss in this talk. In particular, we will focus on the ethical and social aspects related to the design of these systems.
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