New students in the Master of Sound and Music Computing 2020-2021
We start a new and challenging academic year due to the exceptional situation, but with the same enthusiasm. This year 22 new students have joined the SMC master. Welcome!!
- Sultan Eylem Atabay (Turkey)
- Aditya Bhattacharjee (India)
- Gabriel Bibbó Frau (Uruguay)
- Vanessa Nina Borsan (Slovenia)
- Morgan Buisson (France)
- Oriol Colomé Font (Spain)
- Rubén Eguinoa Cabrito (Spain)
- Christos Filippidis (Cyprus)
- Colm Forkin (Irland)
- Esteban Gomez Mellado (Chile)
- Valentín Malpica Gómez (Spain)
- Marina Susana Nieto Giménez (Spain)
- Gonzalo Nieto Montero (Spain)
- Teresa Pelinski Ramos (Spain)
- Genís Plaja Roglans (Spain)
- Jelena Rakonjac (Bosnia)
- Pedro Ramoneda Franco (Spain)
- Nicolás Schmidt Gubbins (Chile)
- Markús Sigurbjörnsson (Iceland)
- Logan Stillings (USA)
- Benedikt Wimmer (Germany)
- Huicheng Zhang (China)
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