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Back Article on music recommendation diversity published in Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval

Article on music recommendation diversity published in Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval

The journal article “Diversity by Design in Music Recommender Systems” is a result of the work done during the PhD of Lorenzo Porcaro, in collaboration with Emilia Gómez (JRC, European Commission, Seville and Music Technology Group, UPF, Barcelona) and Carlos Castillo (Web Science and Social Computing Research Group, UPF, Barcelona)


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This overview paper investigates the concept of diversity in music recommendations, and taking a value-driven approach it reviews diversity-related methodologies proposed in the Music Recommender Systems (Music RS) literature. 

The authors discuss the diversity by design paradigm in IT research, highlighting the several dimensions of diversity that contribute to the development of Information Systems. They acknowledge the lack of a comprehensive framework in Music RS research to address diversity, until now mostly driven by empirical results and fragmented in different application areas.

Maintaining an interdisciplinary perspective, the authors survey the diversity-related literature in Music RS research, finally discussing some challenges that Music Information Retrieval practitioners may face when approaching music recommendations, going beyond the search for better performance and instead questioning the theoretical foundations on which to base future research.


This article has been published in Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval in November 2021.

Porcaro, L., Castillo, C. and Gómez, E., 2021. Diversity by Design in Music Recommender Systems. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 4(1), pp.114–126. DOI:


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