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Back Alayna Hughes was selected as an Innovator for the Keychange 2022 program

Alayna Hughes was selected as an Innovator for the Keychange 2022 program


Imatge inicial - Future Leaders: Keychange Announces New 2022 Artist and Innovator Participants

Alayna Hughes was selected as an Innovator for the Keychange 2022 program, an EU funded program for women in all fields of the music industry to lead global movement for gender equality in music. 

Keychange is a pioneering international initiative for gender equality in the music industry. 76 new artists and music industry professionals have been selected to participate in a year-long talent development program that provides the skills and opportunities they need to progress to the next stage in their careers.

Participants will take part in Creative Labs at the 13 festivals that are partnered with Keychange in Europe and Canada. The Creative Labs will take the form of workshops, seminars, studio sessions, masterclasses and more. 

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