Closing keynote by Lilie Chouliaraki
On 20 May 2022, the masters hosted a Closing Zoom Keynote by Lilie Chouliaraki (LSE) on "The affective politics of populist victimhood in the pandemic".
Lilie Chouliaraki is Professor of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her work focuses on the ethical and political complexities of communicating human suffering in the media with particular emphasis on four domains in which suffering appears as a problem of communication: disaster news; humanitarian and human rights advocacy; war & conflict reporting and migration news. Her most recent work is on the cultural politics of victimhood in western societies. Her book on the topic is forthcoming in Columbia University Press, New York (2023). Other book publications include 'Discourse in Late Modernity’ (1999), ‘The Spectatorship of Suffering’ (2006), ‘The Soft Power of War’ (ed., 2008), ‘The Ironic Spectator. Solidarity in the Age of Post-humanitarianism’ (2013, ‘The Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication’ (co-ed, in press) and ‘The Digital Border. Mobility, Technology, Power (New York University Press, June 2021). Lillie has also published more than sixty articles in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. Her work has been published in French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Danish, Greek and Chinese; she is the recipient of two LSE Teaching Excellence Award and four international awards for her research publications, more recently the Outstanding Book of the Year award of the International Communication Association (2015, for ‘The Ironic Spectator. Solidarity in the Age of Post-humanitarianism’); as well as a lifetime Fellowship of the International Communication Association (2020).