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Back Natural Language Processing for Intelligent Access to Scientific Information Tutorial

Natural Language Processing for Intelligent Access to Scientific Information Tutorial

In the context of the project Mining the Knowledge of Scientific Publications, a workshop in COLING 2016 (December 11-16, Osaka) led by H. Saggion and F. Ronzano will provide a comprehensive overview of issues to face in order to mine scientific textual information in NLP, identify challenges, solutions and opportunities. 


During the last decade the amount of scientific information available on-line increased at an unprecendeted rate. Automated methodologies are essential to analyze, integrate and thus provide the possibility to consistently and exhaustively search, browse and aggregate such a huge amount of scientific contents.

In the context of the project Mining the Knowledge of Scientific Publications, Horacio Saggion and Francesco Ronzano will offer the tutorial Natural Language Processing for Intelligent Access to Scientific Information at COLING 2016. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive overview of issues to face in order to mine scientific textual information in NLP, identify challenges, solutions and opportunities

The tutorial will contribute to disseminate some of the publications and datasets generated and used in the project, such as: