Calvanese D, Montali M, Lobo J. Verification of Fixed-Topology Declarative Distributed Systems with External Data. Proceedings of the 12th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management
Calvanese D, Montali M, Lobo J. Verification of Fixed-Topology Declarative Distributed Systems with External Data. Proceedings of the 12th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management
Calvanese D, Montali M, Lobo J. Verification of Fixed-Topology Declarative Distributed Systems with External Data. Proceedings of the 12th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management
Logic-based languages, such as Datalog and Answer Set Programming, have been recently put forward as a data-centric model to specify and implement network services and protocols. This approach provides the basis for declarative distributed computing, where a distributed system consists of a network of computational nodes, each evolving an internal database and exchanging data with the other nodes. Verifying these systems against temporal dynamic specifications is of crucial importance. In this paper, we attack this problem by considering the case where the network is a fixed connected graph, and nodes can incorporate fresh data from the external environment. As a verification formalism, we consider branching-time, first-order temporal logics. We study the problem from different angles, delineating the decidability frontier and providing tight complexity bounds for the decidable cases.
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