We develop a large number of software tools and hosting infrastructures to support the research developed at the Department. We will be detailing in this section the different tools available. You can take a look for the moment at the offer available within the UPF Knowledge Portal, the innovations created in the context of EU projects in the Innovation Radar and the software sections of some of our research groups:


 Artificial Intelligence

 Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

 Web Research 


 Music Technology

 Interactive  Technologies

 Barcelona MedTech

 Natural Language  Processing

 Nonlinear Time Series  Analysis


Wireless Networking

Educational Technologies




Back Oramas, S., Espinosa-Anke L., Lawlor A., Serra X., & Saggion H. Exploring Customer Reviews for Music Genre Classification and Evolutionary Studies. 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'16)

Oramas, S., Espinosa-Anke L., Lawlor A., Serra X., & Saggion H. Exploring Customer Reviews for Music Genre Classification and Evolutionary Studies. 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'16)


In this paper, we explore a large multimodal dataset of about 65k albums constructed from a combination of Amazon customer reviews, MusicBrainz metadata and AcousticBrainz audio descriptors. Review texts are further enriched with named entity disambiguation along with polarity information derived from an aspect-based sentiment analysis framework. This dataset constitutes the cornerstone of two main contributions: First, we perform experiments on music genre classification, exploring a variety of feature types, including semantic, sentimental and acoustic features. These experiments show that modeling semantic information contributes to outperforming strong bag-of-words baselines. Second, we provide a diachronic study of the criticism of music genres via a quantitative analysis of the polarity associated to musical aspects over time. Our analysis hints at a potential correlation between key cultural and geopolitical events and the language and evolving sentiments found in music reviews.

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