Albó L, Hernández-Leo D, Moreno-Oliver V. Smartphones or laptops in the collaborative classroom? A study of video-based learning in higher education. Behaviour & Information Technology
List of results published directly linked with the projects co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the María de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502).
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Albó L, Hernández-Leo D, Moreno-Oliver V. Smartphones or laptops in the collaborative classroom? A study of video-based learning in higher education. Behaviour & Information Technology
Albó L, Hernández-Leo D, Moreno-Oliver V. Smartphones or laptops in the collaborative classroom? A study of video-based learning in higher education. Behaviour & Information Technology
This paper explores how the use of smartphones vs. laptops influences students’ engagement, behaviour and experience watching academic videos in a collaborative classroom. Experiments were run in authentic teaching sessions with a total of 483 first-year higher education students. The methodology applied is a quasi-experimental design with post-test-only, being the independent variable, the device used to visualise the academic videos. Results indicate that the use of laptops has provided better results in terms of student’s engagement with the videos, their collaborative behaviour and satisfaction with the device. Hence, the findings of this research suggest that the type of mobile device used in activities that consider the use of videos in a collaborative class need to be carefully chosen to maximise the student’s comfortability – and in consequence, their engagement with the video-based learning activity and their positive behaviour and experience within the collaborative context.
Post-print at UPF e-repository: