Aragon P, Ǵomez V, Kaltenbrunner A. Visualization Tool for Collective Awareness in a Platform of Citizen Proposals. 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media - ICWSM-16
Aragon P, Ǵomez V, Kaltenbrunner A. Visualization Tool for Collective Awareness in a Platform of Citizen Proposals. 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media - ICWSM-16
Aragon P, Ǵomez V, Kaltenbrunner A. Visualization Tool for Collective Awareness in a Platform of Citizen Proposals. 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media - ICWSM-16
Online debate tools for participatory democracy and crowdsourcing legislation are limited by different factors. One of them arises when discussion of proposals reaches a large number of contributions and therefore citizens encounter difficulties in mapping the arguments that constitute the dialectical debate. To address this issue, we present a visualization tool that shows the discussion of any proposal as an interactive radial tree. The tool builds on Decide Madrid, a recently created platform for direct democracy launched by the City Council of Madrid. Decide Madrid is one of the most relevant platforms that allows citizens to propose, debate and prioritise policies for city policies.
Additional material:
- Technical details of the implementation (e.g. layout parametrization) in DecideViz Github repository
- Pablo Aragon's blog with updates on his work and related materials for download
- Decide Madrid