April 8th 2019 - WG Open Science. WP4 - SOMM Alliance
In the context of the Working Group on Open Science within the network of Severo Ochoa Centers and María de Maeztu Units (SOMMA), led by BCAM and DTIC-UPF.
13:00h - 14:00h. Auditorium.Protocol for research data management at DTIC-UPF and the application to the Freesound platform. Malcolm Bain (Across Legal). Auditorium. (Slides)
Malcolm will present one of the actions carried out within the María de Maeztu DTIC-UPF research projects to help ensure compliance by these projects with GDPR, presenting a general practical protocol for research projects processing personal data, with the objective for managing data within these projects to ensure not just legal compliance but also use and re-use within legally established limits. Illustrated by work with the Freesound platform. Malcolm will also lead a debate on whether and how datasets incorporating personal data may be used within Open Science oriented projects, if at all.
14:00h - 15:00h. Auditorium Hall
Light lunch
15:00h - 17:00h. Auditorium.
Incentives and recognition to Open Science in Spain (session in Spanish / English)
Brief introduction of participants and selected OS activities in SOMMa. Aurelio Ruiz (DTIC-UPF) (document)
How should (if it should) Open Science be incentivised when assessing research organisations in programs such as the centers and units of excellence Severo Ochoa and María Maeztu?
- Open Science in Spain. Pilar Rico Castro. Head of the Unit Open Access Unit, Repositories and Journals. Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT). Slides.
- Case 1. Contributing to EU policy. The case of the EU Open Science Policy Platform, and EU-Life reaction to Plan S principles. Michela Bertero (CRG). Slides.
- Case 2. Distributing internal resources using Open Science criteria - The María de Maeztu DTIC-UPF program. Xavier Serra (DTIC-UPF). Slides.
- Questions
17:15h - 18:00h. Auditorium.
Meeting of the SOMMa Working Group on Open Science. Next steps.
10:00h - 14:30h. Room 55.410.
"Open Science and the funding management process".
Workshop run by the ORION H2020 project. Check the program. Introductory workshop for participants with little or no knowledge of all the dimensions of Open Science.
15:30h - 17:30h. Room 55.309.
Tutorial - Wikimedia Public (Research) Resources (details and material)
Information: [email protected] / [email protected]
Location: Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies, Univ. Pompeu Fabra. Roc Boronat 138, 08018, Barcelona (how to get)
The activities in the auditorium can be followed also via streaming (click here if the screen below does not load properly)