Back Seminars by Pablo Aragón at Univ of Oxford on Characterizing participation in online discussion platform - Oxford Internet Inst Visiting Fellowship
(Original post at Pablo Aragón’s blog)
Today I gave a Network seminar on Characterizing participation in online discussion platforms. These seminars are weekly series on networks and related topics held in the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. The talk covered the main findings of my PhD research to date (supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the María de Maeztu Units of Excellence Programme MDM-2015-0502):
This experience, together with another internal seminar I gave last week to introduce myself at the Oxford Internet Institute, let me not only to receive very valuable feedback but also to discover the challenge of organizing all my PhD work into a one single story.
The seminar are part of the Oxford Internet Institute Visiting Fellowship started in January 2018 (original post about it below)
“The New Year started with a new adventure: from January to April I will be visiting the Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford) with Dr. Scott A. Hale as host. Although blog posts are usually about attending events or publishing new papers, I expect that this experience is the seed of new research with academic impact and societal impact.
The main goal of these three months will be to go deeper into some of my PhD topics. In particular, I will explore how to characterize and to model the social and temporal dimensions of online petition platforms… Dominus Illuminatio Mea”