Back 6 and 13-02-25 Software development best practices for research reproduceability. Alastair Porter (2 sessions)

6 and 13-02-25 Software development best practices for research reproduceability. Alastair Porter (2 sessions)


Software development best practices for research reproduceability. Alastair Porter, MTG - UPF Engineering.

Session 1: February 6th 2025, 12h - 13:30h. Room 55.309.

Session 2 (hands-on, laptop needed) February 13th 2025, 12h - 13h. Room 55.309.


In software development it is considered a best practice to test code, include documentation, use source code management tools, and make frequent backups. A lot of the time technical research tends to eschew these best practices, resulting in missing data, hard to reproduce results, and wasted time. For researchers who haven't worked in or studied software engineering roles, it can often be confusing to know where to start, or how these best practices improve code quality and save time. In this talk I will show some examples why software engineering best practices are a valuable part of technical research and how to start applying them if you do not know what tools and resources are available.

In the second session, I'll show some hands-on examples of how to more efficiently and quickly navigate around your computer and use the tools that are available to you.