
New Science and Beers on March 15!

The next Science & Beers event will be held on Friday March 15th in 55.309 at 17:30. This time we have speakers from not only DTIC, but also some guest speakers from outside! The attendance to this event counts as a PhD seminar, so don't miss it! If you are going to attend, please fill in this doodle until Wednesday, so we can estimate the number of beers needed. This time the Science and Beers session has been organised by Philip Tovstogan.

Ahmed Ghassan Tawfiq Abura'ed (TALN, DTIC, UPF) - Towards automatic generation of related work reports (slides)
Venelin Ornilov Kovatchev (CLiC, UB) - Paraphrasing, textual entailment, and semantic similarity (slides)
Laura Diaz, Ryan Armstrong (SciDF) - Scientists Dating Forum: how to close gaps between society, science, and politics 

- And last but not least - the announcement of the Beach Volley DTIC 2019! Launched by Laura Becerra and Amelia Jiménez