Back Foundry showcases fission in Los Angeles: Successful demos and market validation

Foundry showcases fission in Los Angeles: Successful demos and market validation


As part of the Max-R project Foundry travelled to Los Angeles to conduct a number of tests and demos with Fission - the VFX focused virtual production tool with a real-time compositing system. 

The team visited a number of studios and VP integrators, where they conducted 7 demos and 4 full stage installations over the course of the week. Technically the trip was a success and Fission was able to run successfully on every stage.

The reaction to Fission from potential customers was incredibly positive and validated the market view.


There was also a lot of feedback and feature requests which helped the team shape the MVP for the remainder of the project.  

"There is a certain amount of damage that has been done to Virtual Production, that I can see Fission healing" - Feedback from studio executive.