Brown Bag Seminari: "Jurisprudential Problems of Common Law Codification: The Curious Case of the Indian Contract Code" (02.11.23)
Brown Bag Seminari: "Jurisprudential Problems of Common Law Codification: The Curious Case of the Indian Contract Code" (02.11.23)
Brown Bag Seminari: "Jurisprudential Problems of Common Law Codification: The Curious Case of the Indian Contract Code" (02.11.23)
Grup de Recerca en Filosofia del Dret
Ponent: Shivprasad Swaminathan
(Professor and Dean-Designate, Shiv Nadar School of Law Chennai and Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt).
Dijous 2 de novembre de 2023
13:30- 15:30 h
Sala 40.043 (Edifici Roger de Llúria)
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