Vés enrere 27/09/2022 Conferència inaugural dels Màsters del Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge

27/09/2022 Conferència inaugural dels Màsters del Departament de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge

Màsters en:

Estudis de Traducció,

Estudis del Discurs: Comunicació, Societat i Aprenentatge,

Lingüística Teòrica i Aplicada i 

Traducció entre Llengües Globals: Xinès-Espanyol



Títol: “Switching codes to communicate in mediated learning spaces”, a càrrec de la Dra. Maria González Davies, professora titular de la Facultat d’Educació (FPCEE-Blanquerna, U. Ramon Llull). Grup de Recerca CILCEAL 

Dia: dimarts 27 de setembre del 2022

Hora: 13.00

Lloc: Auditori del Campus del Poblenou


Discussions around the complexity and ambiguity of our times have made visible issues such as plurilingualism and interculturality. These discussions, in turn, have led to a revision of our understanding of languages, learning, and teaching. In this talk, I will touch upon these issues and will present a specific proposal to address them considering that, although publications related to the incorporation of a plurilingual education have increased substantially, only a few address the need for emerging didactic models that may serve as well-grounded guidelines to help teachers and learners develop plurilingual and intercultural competence, to regard language, not only as a code, but as the main vehicle to enable mediation, and to regard learning not as a linear process, but as an iterative progression, with advancement and relapses.

Maria González-Davies is a freelance translator and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education (FPCEE-Blanquerna, U. Ramon Llull). She has co-directed the English Department at the School of Modern Languages​​ (U. Barcelona) and was Head of the Translation Department at the University of Vic. At the FPCEE-Blanquerna she has been Director of the Primary Education degree and of the MA programme for Secondary School Teacher Education, and vice dean of Academic Affairs. She is now the Director of International Relations. Maria is the Head of the Research Group CILCEAL on Intercultural and Interlinguistic Competence and the author of books such as Multiple Voices in the Translation Classroom and co-editor of others, for example, the Routledge Handbook on Translation and Education with Sara Laviosa (U. Bari, Italy).  She has been the co-editor and is a member of the editorial board of journals such as The Interpreter and Translator Trainer and Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts.