Vés enrere 05/05/2023 Conferència del Màster d'Estudis del Discurs i del Màster en Lingüística Teòrica i Aplicada

05/05/2023 Conferència del Màster d'Estudis del Discurs i del Màster en Lingüística Teòrica i Aplicada

"The wow and the how of speaker charisma: its dependence on prosody, culture and gender", a càrrec del Dr. Oliver Niehbur - Southern Denmark University (SDU)



Dia: 5 de maig de 2023
Hora: de 15.00 a 16.30
Aula: 55.309

Charisma is the ability to attract attention and win over people without the benefit of formal authority. In times of growing entrepreneurial activities, fast innovations and ubiquitous social-media performances, charismatic speech has become an essential skill - and a hot topic across research disciplines. Based on seven years of phonetic research and development activities, the present talk summarizes the mainly prosodic sources of perceived speaker charisma and discusses their effectiveness in the contexts of gender and culture differences. The aim is to provide the audience with a more differentiated understanding of speaker charisma and to give an overview of the current research questions and techniques associated with this phenomenon, as well as the obtained knowledge is (or needs to be) put into practice.