2022-2023 (14th Edition)

14th edition at a glance:

Number of applicants: 80

Intake of students: 19

Countries represented: 11 (88% international students)

Gender Composition: 69% female, 31% male

2021-2022 (13th Edition)

13th edition at a glance:

Number of applicants: 69

Intake of students: 26

Countries represented: 17 (88% international students)

Gender Composition: 85% female, 15% male


2020-2021 (12th Edition)

12th edition at a glance:

Number of applicants: 65

Intake of students: 23

Countries represented: 13 (83% international students)

Gender Composition: 92% female, 8% male

2019-2020 (11th Edition)


2018-2019 (10th Edition)


2017 - 2018 (9th Edition)


2016 - 2017 (8th Edition)


2015 - 2016 (7th Edition)