Back Congress: V Trobada UPF-UdG de Teoria del Dret (29.03.19)

Congress: V Trobada UPF-UdG de Teoria del Dret (29.03.19)

Philosophy of Law Research Group


Organizer and counterpart:

Lorena Ramírez (UPF)

Delivered by:

Laura Manrique (UdG)

Counterpart: Jahel Queralt (UPF)

Diego M. Papayannis (UdG)

Counterpart: Jose Juan Moreso (UPF)

Lucila Fernández Alle (UdG)

Counterpart: Alba Lojo (UPF)

Diego Dei Vecchi (UdG)

Counterpart: Sebastian Agüero (UPF)


Friday March 29 2019

from 9:00 to 19:30 h.

"Sala Polivalent" (24.S18) (Mercè Rodoreda building)

You could ask for the papers to the prof. Lorena Ramírez to the mail adress: [email protected]  


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