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Arregui Moreno, Francisco Javier

Francisco Javier Arregui Moreno
Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
PhD. Professor and Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences. Associate Faculty, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Prof. Dr. Javier Arregui (BACES Director) is currently an Associate Professor of Political Science (“Profesor Titular”) at Pompeu Fabra University. As a Professor, he has broad experience in teaching and researching on European Union politics, comparative politics and public policy. He has been awarded a double Jean Monnet Chair in EU Governance (2016-2018 and 2018-2021)

He received his PhD in Political Sciences from the Interuniversity Center for Social Science, Theory and Mehtodology (ICS) at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Among other appointments, he has been a Research Fellow at ICS (1999-2004) and researcher at Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) - Madrid (1998-1999).

His main research areas are: Negotiation of the European Union, Decision-making and implementation processes, Comparative analysis of successful negotiation of the EU member states. Currently he is working on three projects: Implementation Process of EU legislation, Political Networks between formal and informal actors in the EU Policy-making, Climate Change and Urban Public Policies.


Recent publications:

Arregui, Javier (2020) "Europeanization of Political Structures and Public Policies," In: Muro, Diego; Lago, Ignacio. The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics (Oxford Handbooks). 1 ed. Oxford University Press

Arregui, Javier (2019) "Procedimientos Legislativos, Policy-making y Resultados Políticos en la Unión Europea," In: Ares, Cristina; Bouza, Luis. Política de la Unión Europea: Crisis y Continuidad. 1 ed. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas; pp. 41-64.

Arregui, Javier and Creighton, Mathew J. (2018) "Public Opinion and the Shaping of Immigration Policy in the European Council of Ministers" Journal of Common Market studies 56(6): 1323-1344

Arregui, J. (2016) "Determinants of Bargaining Satisfaction Across Policy Domains in the European Union Council of Ministers" Journal of Common Market studies  54(5): 1105-1122

Arregui, J. (2016). "Implementación y Cumplimiento de la Legislación Europa en los Estados Miembros (1986-2010)".Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto

Arregui, J (2016). "Proceso Político de la UE: Fases, Actores, Procesos, y Eficiencia en el Proceso de Integración de la UE," Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto 55: 17-29

Arregui, J. (2015). "Relaciones Económicas UE-EEUU: Negociación e Implicaciones del TTIP". Revista CIDOB d´Afers Internacionals, Vol. 110: pp. 43-66

Arregui, J. (2015). "Poder y Capacidad de Influencia de los Estados Miembros en el Consejo de la Unión Europea". Documento de Trabajo Real Instituto Elcano 11/2015

Arregui, J., Thomson, R. (2014)."Domestic Adjustment Costs, Interdependence and Dissent in the Council of the European Union".European Journal of Political Research 53: pp. 692-708