Back UPF-GTI develops web tool with HDR creation functionalities

UPF-GTI develops web tool with HDR creation functionalities



As part of the work package 4 of the HDR4EU project, Real Time generation, the GTI-UPF has been working on a collaborative web tool which supports the basic functionalities of HDR creation. The current status of the development of the tool is now in its final stretch, including the creation of tone-mapped HDR environments and the integration within the 3D web engine GTI-UPF has been developing, WebGLStudio.


Furthermore, the previously created HDR file format, HDRE, has been integrated into a new C++ rendering pipeline. This has allowed the GTI-UPF to work cooperatively with Brainstorm, another one of the HDR4EU partners, so that the integration of HDRE files in their Virtual Studio engine can be tested.



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