Back Paper "Color stabilization for multi-camera light-field imaging" by UPF-IP4EC has been accepted for publication in ICASSP

Paper "Color stabilization for multi-camera light-field imaging" by UPF-IP4EC has been accepted for publication in ICASSP



By capturing a more complete rendition of scene light than standard 2D cameras, light-field technology represents an important step towards closing the gap between live action cinematography and computer graphics. Light-field cameras accomplish this by simultaneously capturing the same scene under different angular configurations, providing directional information that allows for a multitude of post-production effects. Among the practical challenges related to capturing multiple images simultaneously, a very important problem is the fact that the different images do not perfectly match in terms of color, which severely complicates all further processing. In this work we adapt and extend to the light-field scenario a color stabilization method previously proposed for standard multi-camera shoots, and demonstrate experimentally that it provides an improvement over the state-of-the-art techniques for light-field imaging. 


Read the whole article here

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