Back Nicolás Gutiérrez defending his PhD thesis today!

Nicolás Gutiérrez defending his PhD thesis today!



Nicolás Felipe Gutiérrez Páez defending his PhD thesis today! 

Thesis title: Motivations, engagement, and incentives in online communities: contributions to theory, data analytics and design
Thesis supervisors: Dr. Patricia Santos and Dr. Davinia Hernández-Leo

President: Dr. Alejandra Martínez (Universidad de Valladolid) - Videoconference
Secretary: Dr. Manuel Caeiro (Universidad de Vigo) 
Member: Dr. Gustavo Zurita (Universidad de Chile) 


Derived publications

1.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia. “Understanding Participants Motivational Factors for the Design of a Teacher Community Platform.” In 2021 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 132–34. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2021.
2.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Carrió, Mar. “Designing a Pre-Service Teacher Community Platform: A Focus on Participants’ Motivations.” In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 352–57. Springer, Cham, 2021b.
3.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Michos, Konstantinos; Carrió, Mar. “Exploring teachers' motivations and incentives to participate in online communities”. (Submitted to journal, currently under review).
4.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia. “Studying motivations and incentives in Online Communities of teachers using mixed methods and a data-analytics approach” (Submitted to journal, currently under review).
5.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Gómez-Cañón, Juan Sebastián; Porcaro, Lorenzo; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Gómez, Emilia. “Emotion Annotation of Music: A Citizen Science Approach.” In Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing, edited by Davinia Hernández-Leo, Reiko Hishiyama, Gustavo Zurita, Benjamin Weyers, Alexander Nolte, and Hiroaki Ogata, 51–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
6.Gómez-Cañón, Juan Sebastián; Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Porcaro, Lorenzo; Porter, Alastair; Cano, Estefanía; Herrera, Perfecto; Gkiokas, Aggelos; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Karreman, Casper; Gómez, Emilia. “TROMPA-MER: an open data set for personalized Music Emotion Recognition”. (Submitted to journal, currently under review)
7.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Gómez-Cañón, Juan Sebastián; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Gómez, Emilia. ”A data analytics approach to understand the effects of engagement and motivations in virtual citizen science”. (Manuscript in preparation).
8.Gutiérrez-Páez, Nicolás; Amarasinghe, Ishari; Krukowski, Simon; Hoppe, H. Ulric; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia . “Using Network Analysis to Characterize Participation and Interaction in Virtual Citizen Science Communities”. (Manuscript in preparation)
Additional publications:

Beardsley M, Gutierrez N, Hernàndez-Leo D. Examining university students’ motivation, abilities and preferences related to learning to learn. In: ICALT 2020 International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning; 2020 Jul 6-9; Tartu, Estonia. New York: IEEE; 2020. p. 346-8. DOI: 10.1109/ICALT49669.2020.00111 Permanent link:

David M. Weigl, Werner Goebl, David J. Baker, Tim Crawford, Federico Zubani, Aggelos Gkiokas, Nicolas F. Gutierrez, Alastair Porter, and Patricia Santos. 2021. Notes on the Music: A social data infrastructure for music annotation. In 8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 23–31. doi:

David M. Weigl, Werner Goebl, Tim Crawford, Aggelos Gkiokas, Nicolas F. Gutierrez, Alastair Porter, Patricia Santos, Casper Karreman, Ingmar Vroomen, Cynthia C. S. Liem, Álvaro Sarasúa, and Marcel van Tilburg. 2019. Interweaving and Enriching Digital Music Collections for Scholarship, Performance, and Enjoyment. In 6th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 84–88. doi:



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