Back UPF ABP-ODS PBL-SDG at United Nations High Level Political Forum

UPF ABP-ODS PBL-SDG at United Nations High Level Political Forum



On the occasion of the United Nations High Level Political Forum #HLPF2022 of @UN @CATESCO together with the @UPFBarcelona and @PBLworks

organizes an online side event exploring Project-Based Learning for the implementation of the SDGs. [?] : Tuesday, July 5th [?] : 13:00 (EDT) [?] :

TIDE is involved in the initiative through the platform

@MarCarrio & @daviniahl, with the support of @CLIK, the #UPFlearninglab, @catesco are leading the implementation of #PBL and #SDG at @UPFBarcelona #EDvolucio

Patricia Santos will present the case: A STUDENT DESIGN CHALLENGE: Why HCI technologies can be key in our quest to hit the Sustainable Development Goals? (UPF engineering school)




SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
