Back Seminars GRTP 2022-2023 1st Term

Seminars GRTP 2022-2023 1st Term



The Political Theory Seminar, organised by the Political Theory Research Group (GRTP) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, aims to gather all researchers at UPF and beyond working on all fields of social and political theory.




7 October




Johanna Hess (FU Berlin); Özgür Güneş (Col·lectivaT) i Mariona Lladonosa (UdL)



Gènere, classe i

 identitat nacional




20 October




Neus Torbisco-Casals (Graduate Institute, Geneva)


Beyond Formal Representation: Decolonising International Courts and Tribunals



27 October



Ezequiel Paez (UPF)


Wild Animal Ethics: A Freedom-based Approach





10 November





Maria Rodó (UPF)


Intersectional hegemonies in knowledge production: origins, genealogies, and scope of intersectionality from a global perspective




16 December




Lorién Gómez (UAM) &

Joan Rojano (UPF)



European Redistributive Justice in Debate: Rawlsian and post-Rawlsian basis for an European Fiscal Union




26 January




Pau Bossacoma (UOC)


Federalism and secession: taking territorial pluralism seriously



2 February



Serena Olsaretti (UPF)



Parental Justice


The GRTP Seminar will normally take place from 13:00 to 14.30



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
