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Next 8th, April- Exchange meeting IPPI: Immigration, political participation and integration

Mira aquí todos los detalles de esta jornada organizada por GRITIM-UPF, en colaboración con IRPS, que se celebrará en el CIDOB.


GRITIM-UPF - in collaboration with IRPS (Roma) and CIDOB - announces the organisation of the exchange meeting "IPPI - Immigration, Political participation and Integration" which will be held next  Tuesday 8 April at CIDOB, from 9am to 6pm.

This bilateral meeting will welcome representatives of political parties, local governments and associations from Italy and Catalonia. It aims at gathering and disseminating new practices towards the improvement of an active citizenship through political participation of persons with immigrant background, especially in political participations. 

This meeting is part of a series of exchanges between Italy and other European countries - i.e. Germany, Ireland, Portugal.

The meeting is a joint action of the Diversity in Political Parties (DIVPOL) project, funded by the EU EIF, of which GRITIM and IRPS are partners. 

See here the detailed program and the list of participants.



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