Back The next GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series is a Migration debate entitled "Mediterranean Migration Governance: From State-centric to City-centric? Exploring Alternative Policy Paths"

The next GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series is a Migration debate entitled "Mediterranean Migration Governance: From State-centric to City-centric? Exploring Alternative Policy Paths"



The next 2020-21 GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series will be a Migration Debate between Carmen Geha (American University of Beirut, Lebanon) and Gemma Aubarell (Directorate General for Foreign Affairs, Government of Catalonia, Spain). It will be chaired by Luisa Faustini Torres (GRITIM-UPF). The session is entitled: Mediterranean Migration Governance: From State-centric to City-centric? Exploring Alternative Policy Paths.

This activity forms part of EUMedMig: "Mapping European Mediterranean Migration Studies" (September 2019 - August 2022). Funded by the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Network Program. 


Date: Thursday March 11th, 2021

Time: 18:30-20:30 

Place: This event is being organized by IEMed and will take place online.

Register: Here | IEMed youtube channel Link



The Mediterranean is a region highly affected by complex migration dynamics. Such phenomena have diverse causes and consequences for the multiplicity of actors involved and is currently a central and multidimensional policy issue. Med Migration has been above all a matter of high politics, that is, something handled by traditional politics at the state level or higher governance stances. There is, however, generalized criticism towards the policies carried out by state-actors, pointing out their incapacity of producing proper and sustainable solutions. Consequently, many voices call for moving beyond such state-centric model, considered insufficient for tackling the issue of Med Migration in all its complexity. On the one hand, some voices claim the necessity of setting forth a constructive migration policy based on a multilateral approach and true cooperation between North and South. On the other, some voices how migration is above all an urban phenomenon and how cities have been increasingly claiming their space in the management of migration and diversity.  The general premise seems to be that moving either upward or downward in the governance continuum would imply paradigmatic changes. What is up for discussion is whether moving in those directions is either possible or desirable. Therefore, the purpose of this roundtable is twofold. First, to discuss Mediterranean migration governance at different scales, considering the role of the region, states, and cities. Second, to debate Mediterranean region-making from a multiple perspective, trying to move beyond Euro and State-centrism. 



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