Despaux, Maeva
Despaux, Maeva
Maéva Despaux holds a Master in International and Comparative Law from the Université Toulouse-1 Capitole (France) during which she also obtained a Certificate for the International and European Legal Studies Programme (IELSP) in the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and a Certificate for European Master in Comparative, International and European Law (CIEL) in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
She is currently a PhD Candidate at the Department of International Law and International Relations at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in a cotutorship with the Université Toulouse-1 Capitole. It is in this context that she went to Strasburg for a 6 months research placement at the European Court of Human Rights.
Research lines:
- Forced Migrations
- European Union Asylum Law
- International and European Human Rights Law
- International Refugee Law