Ungureanu, Camil
I am Associate Professor (Profesor agregado interino) of Political Philosophy at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) where I teach and supervise students in contemporary political philosophy, Critical Theory, religious studies, art, politics and philosophy. In 2007-2008 I was a Lecturer in Political Theory at University College Dublin, School of Politics and International Relations. In February 2008 I defended my PhD on "Democracy, Rhetoric and Decision" at the European University Institute (supervisors: Peter Wagner and Axel Honneth). I have also taught at Richmond College (Florence), at the European University Institute (Florence), and at the University of Bucharest.
I published contemporary political theory as well as on art, religion and politics in quarterlies such as the Journal of Political Philosophy, European Journal of Political Theory, Human Studies, Angelaki. Journal for Theoretical Humanities, European Legacy, etc.
I have collaborated and published with Cambridge University Press, Routledge, and Ashgate. I published Law, State and Religion in the New Europe: Conflicts and Dilemmas, Cambridge University Press (2012; co-edited with Lorenzo Zucca), From the Nation-State to the Postnational Constellation: Jϋrgen Habermas' Theory of Law and Democracy, vol. I-II, Ashgate (2011; co-edited with Klaus Gϋnther and Christian Joerges), Religion in Contemporary European Cinema. The Postnational Constellation, Routledge (2014; co-edited with Costica Bradatan) and Religious Pluralism, Law and State in the New Europe, Routledge (2014; co-edited with Ferran Requejo).
At present, I am Coordinator of a Ministry research project on Habermas´s political theory. I am also working on two book projects: Contemporary Democratic Theory and Religion (2015-2016; under contract with Routledge) andHouellebecq´s religious fictions: between nihilism, conversion and parody (under work, 2015-2016).
My fields of interests are: contemporary political philosophy; Critical Theory; religion, law and politics; art and philosophy (with a focus on contemporary cinema and literature). I welcome MA and PhD students working in these fields.
Research lines
Contemporary political philosophy; Religion and politics; Law and religion in Europe; Art, philosophy and politicsPublications
(selection of recent publications)
Forthcoming - in progress 2015-2016
Ungureanu, C. Contemporary Democratic Theory and Religion, (book under contract with Routledge), 2015-2016.
Ungureanu, C. Houellebecq´s religious fictions: between nihilism, conversion and parody (book under work), 2015-2016
Ungureanu, C., “Nihilism, religious phantasy and regression in Michel Houellebecq´s Submission" (article under review), 2015.
Ungureanu, C. “Blind Faith, Life and Absurd in J. M. Coetzee´s The Childhood of Jesus” (article under review), 2015.
Ungureanu, C. Sacrifice in Contemporary European Cinema , Routledge (book co-edited with C. Bradatan, forthcoming).
Ungureanu, C. "Aesthetization of violence and moral ambivalence of self-sacrifice in Charlie Brooker´s National Anthem", in Journal of European Studies, 45(1), 2/2015
Ungureanu C., "The Post-secular Debate: Introductory Remarks", in The European Legacy, 20(2) 2015 (with L. Thomassen). 10.1080/10848770.2015.1006928.
Ungureanu C., Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Post-Secularism: Between Public Reason and Transcendence", The European Legacy, 20(2) 2015 (with L. Thomassen)
Ungureanu C. "Dworkin´s Last Word: Religion without God", in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 13(38) 2014.
Ungureanu, C. Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in the new Europe , Routledge, 2014 (book co-edited with Ferran Requejo).
Ungureanu, C. "Uses and Abuses of Postsecularism. An Introduction", introductory chapter in Ungureanu, C. Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in Europe. Secularism and Post-secularism (edited with Requejo, F.), 2014, 1-18.
Ungureanu, C. "The conundrum of pluralism and the doctrine of the margin of appreciation: the crucifix "affair" and the ambivalence of the ECtHR ",(co-authored with M. Iglesias Vila) in F. Requejo and C. Ungureanu (eds) Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in Europe. Secularism and Post-secularism , Routledge, 2014.
Ungureanu, C. "Sacrifice, Violence, and the Limits of Moral Representation Haneke´s Caché", Angelaki. Journal of Theoretical Humanities, 19(4) 2014.
Ungureanu, C., Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Cinema and Sacrifice: new variations on an old theme", Angelaki. Journal for Theoretical Humanities, 19(4), 2014.
Ungureanu, C. Religion in European Cinema. The Postnational Constellation , Routledge (book co-edited with Costica Bradatan)
Ungureanu, C. "What's the use of postsecularism? Conceptual clarifications and two illustrations", chapter in Ungureanu C. Religion in European Cinema. The Postnational Constellation (edited with Bradatan, C.), Routledge, 2014, 199-218.
Ungureanu, C., "Religion against Religion in Lars von Trier", book chapter in Ungureanu, C. (ed) Religion in European Cinema. The Postnational Constellation , Routledge (2014) (edited with Costica Bradatan).
Ungureanu, C. "Bourdieu and Derrida on Gift: Beyond ´Double Truth´and Paradox", in Human Studies, 36 (3) 2013
Ungureanu, C. "Derrida´s Tense Bow", in The European Legacy, 4(32) 2013.