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EUTOPIA Knowledge Bazaar: the marketplace of wisdom

An opportunity to show your research in a meeting point for art and science


We are looking for candidates who are working on their thesis (TFG) and want to take part in this unique opportunity: the EUTOPIA Knowledge Bazaar. 

Eutopia Knowledge Bazaar is a virtual space where ideas take shape. An evocative meeting point for art and science. A marketplace of knowledge open to society and devoted to exhibit the ultimate results of research carried out by the six member universities of Eutopia.

But the Bazaar does not display research outcomes in a traditional way. It is a space of creation itself, where research is presented through experimental, audiovisual formats that are, by themselves, artistic investigation products. It invites the user to enter and browse among a myriad of images and sounds which divulge cutting-edge discoveries through innovative productions.

How it works

Each university will contribute six significant research projects. The projects should ideally cover different disciplines and areas of knowledge, and have (a potential for) remarkable impact on society. For each project, a group of Eutopian students will present the process, the methodology and/or the outcomes of the research. The challenge is to expound the project in an audiovisual artistic manner, adding a cultural dimension to the research. Every audiovisual clip – of no more than 5 minutes – will be complemented by a short textual description of the project. The goal, therefore, is for the video clips not to literally replicate the contents of the research, as in traditional scientific dissemination, but to produce a creative extension of the research.

Are you interested?

Please, do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]