INDIGO Barcelona Workshop 2023 (12.05.23)
Internal seminar of the members of the European INDIGO project, organised by OBSEI”
- UPF: Oriol Mir, Javier Barnes, Clara Velasco, Migle Laukyte, Juan Carlos Covilla.
- University of Luxembourg: Herwig Hofmann, Felix Pflücke, Davide Liga, Laura Valtere, Réka Markovich (tbc).
- University of Freiburg: Jens-Peter Schneider, Franka Enderlein, Kester Siegrist, Johannes Erny.
- KIT Karlsruhe: Franziska Böhm, Paulina Jo Pesch.
- German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer: Ulrich Stelkens, David Roth-Isigkeit.
- University of Hannover: Timo Rademacher.
- University of Warsaw: Marek Wierzbowski.
- CUNEF Madrid: Alicia Isabel Saavedra-Bazaga.
Chek the information in the PROGRAM.
Friday 12th of May 2023
09:00 am
Sala Polivalent (Mercè Rodoreda building)
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NORFACE Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age (Governance) Joint Research Programme - Research Project file number 462.19.326 entitled INformation in the EU’s DIgitalised Governance (INDIGO)
Proyecto AEI/PCI2020-112207