Back EUMedMi National Workshop: Morocco

EUMedMi National Workshop: Morocco




This is the Fourth of a series of 6 EUMedMi National Workshops that will be hosted by six partner institutions from the North and South of the Mediterranean including: Belgium, Tunisia, Portugal, Morocco, Turkey and France between the years 2020-2022. This fourth National Workshop will be hosted by Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, our Moroccan partner from AMERM, Rabat.

This National Workshop is a working activity that forms part of the EUMedMi, EUMedMi: "Mapping European Mediterranean Migration Studies" (September 2019 - August 2022) funded by the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Network Program and it also enjoys the institutional support of the IMISCOE regional network. For more information on this project: EuroMedMig.

EuroMedMig National Workshop organizer: AMERM, Rabat, Morocco

Title: New migration patterns in the Mediterranean: North-South

Date: 27th of October 2021

Time: 14h-17h (Casablanca, GTM+1)

Place: Hybrid: Zoom & Faculty of Law, Economic and Social Sciences, Agdal Mohammed V University (Rabat) (Amphi 1).

Webinar registrationhere.

Download full programMorocco National Workshop English Program; French program

Access recording: Here.

Scientific organizer:

  • Boutaina Ismaili Idrissi, Professor of Economics, Mohammed V University Rabat, Member of the scientific committee of AMERM & EUMedMig Steering Committee.




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