Back EuroMedMig Roundtable for Aula Mediterrània: Mediterranean Cities and Migration Governance

EuroMedMig Roundtable for Aula Mediterrània: Mediterranean Cities and Migration Governance



The next 11 November 2021, a rountable on Mediterranean Cities and Migration Governance will be held as part of the Aula Mediterrània Interuniversity Programme by IEMed. The session will take place at Palau de Pedralbes between 9:30h and 11:30h. The roundtable will introduce local approaches to migration governance in the Mediterranean region in the company of three EuroMedMig members and contributors to a future book on Mediterranean Migration that will be published in 2023 by Springer: Ayseln Yildiz (Yasar University, Turkey), Gemma Aubarell i Solduga (Head of Mediterranean Relations and European Networks Service, Generalitat de Catalunya) and Ricard Zapata-Barrero, (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona). The session will be chaired by Aida Casanovas i Oliveres (EuroMedMig Office Coordinator). 

Download the programme of the session here.



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