Back The next 2020-21 GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series will be a EuroMedMig Migration Lecture entitled: "Mediterranean Cities, Migrations and Cosmopolitanism: History and Memory between Global approach and Micro History (from the 19th to the 21st centuries)"

The next 2020-21 GRITIM-UPF Seminar Series will be a EuroMedMig Migration Lecture entitled: "Mediterranean Cities, Migrations and Cosmopolitanism: History and Memory between Global approach and Micro History (from the 19th to the 21st centuries)"



The next 2020-21 GRTIM-UPF Seminar Series will be a EuroMedMig migration lecture by Yvan Gastaut (EuroMedMig and University of Côte d’Azur, Nice) and chaired by Dirk Gebhardt (GRITIM-UPF), entitled: "Mediterranean Cities, Migrations and Cosmopolitanism: History and Memory between Global approach and Micro History (from the 19th to the 21st centuries)".

This seminar will be hosted by IBEI (Research Forum with Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals) within the EuroMedMig framework. The activity forms part of EUMedMig: "Mapping European Mediterranean Migration Studies" (September 2019- August 2022). Funded by the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Network Program. 



Date: Tuesday April 20th, 2021.

Time: 13:30 - 15:30 (CET)

Register for this event here


Abstract: History shows that Mediterranean cities have been based on significant mixing of populations since very ancient times. So that the Mediterranean has become a kind of universal model in terms of cosmopolitanism. My conference will focus on the evolution of plural identities in cities in the south and the north between the colonial period and decolonization. The first part will address the colonial period and more generally the XIXth century which caused a significant mixing of ambiguous forms, between racism and tolerance. Whether under colonial systems of different natures (between France, the United Kingdom, and even Italy and Spain) or under Ottoman rule, most cities are marked by forms of cultural and religious diversity. The flows between the North and the South are then very important (installation of Europeans in the Maghreb for example). In a second part it will be a question of reflecting the shock of decolonizations which provoke new forms of mixing. The flows between the South and the North are accelerating (labor migration particularly). Finally, in a third part, it will be a question of the place of memory and of the heritage of cosmopolitanism for the governance of these last years or decades by showing how, on the basis of examples, the cities stage or not this dimension in policies public, communication campaigns or through the media, works and cultural productions.



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