Back Open Call for UPF Students & Staff to attend the upcoming Qualitative Data Workshop

Open Call for UPF Students & Staff to attend the upcoming Qualitative Data Workshop

Prof. Dr. Lea Sgier will be the speaker for the Qualitative Data Seminar (March 22 - 25, 2022)

Imatge inicial - Professor Lea Sgier in an archive image from a workshop in Concordia University.

Content and structure

The Jean Monnet Chair at UPF is glad to convey to all the interested UPF Graduate Student community and UPF Staff that we will host and organize the online Workshop Seminar of Qualitative Data Analysis by Prof. Lea Sgier (University of Geneva, Switzerland). The content of the course includes Discourse Analysis, Thematic Analysis, and insights on the validity, interpretation and communication of qualitative findings. Part of the workshop will consist in (interactive) lectures that introduce key ideas related to data analysis. Another part will be devoted to practical work (some most likely on common data).

On the other hand, the session is divided in four consecutive days, namely:

- March 22nd, 2:00-5:00 PM

- March 23rd, 2:00-5:00 PM

- March 24th, 2:00-5:00 PM

- March 25th, 2:00-5:00 PM

About the speaker

Prof. Lea Sgier is a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, where she teaches qualitative research methods to MA students. Previously (2010-17) she was a professor of qualitative methodology at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. She is also an instructor on various international graduate programmes and summer schools, including the Essex Summer School where she has been teaching a course on Qualitative Data Analysis since 2007.

She has recently completed a research project on institutionalised elderly people’s relation to politics and voting, a study done on the basis of ethnographic fieldwork, extensive interviewing, and a detailed institutional-legal analysis. She has previously worked with parliamentary data, interview data, policy data (in the field of old age and dementia policy in particular). She has supervised PhD work done with other types of data as well, including movies, political campaign materials, and media and social media data.

How to register?

Spots are limited to 25 UPF MA & PhD Students, as well as UPF Staff. The link in order to book a spot is the following one -