Back Beginning of the Teachers' Workshop Activity on the EU Recovery programme

Beginning of the Teachers' Workshop Activity on the EU Recovery programme




A product of a joint collaboration, Dr. Andrea Noferini (JMC EUGov Member) and Mrs. Conxi Muñoz (European Documentation Center UAB) inaugurated yesterday yet another edition of the Teachers' Workshop, with the purpose of enacting knowledge-transfer about the EU towards civil society. 

The activity is aimed at providing specific knowledge on EU-affairs related topics, as well as providing the necessary tools and techniques for explaining the EU (its governance, decision-making and public policies) to young students in school. 

Due to the current activity restrictions, this was the first year in which the Workshop was conducted online on the Zoom platform. 

The first session was led by Dr. Noferini, who approached theoretical discourses and techniques for explaining EU affairs, as well as providing a focus on the current COVID-19 situation affecting all of the EU, as well as the rest of world. 

In the next session, Mrs. Muñoz will provide a series of digital tools, instruments and resources for better explaining the EU to young generations. 

You can find the brochure of the programme here

Below, you can see a series of pictures from yesterday's event: