Sala Batlle, Dolors
Dolors Sala is an Associate Professor in our Department.
She received the degree in Computer Science from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the MSc and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology on 1990, 1995 and 1998 respectively. She has contributed in many areas of broadband access to the home with a mix of experience in academia and industry with a leading role driving the industry sector in many of them.
She joined Motorola's R&D department in Massachusetts on 1998 where she worked on the design of a CAC algorithm for an ATM switch product. On 1999, she joined the start up company Digital Furnace focused on the optimization of data transmission over HFC networks. In Broadcom, she led the R&D group of the broadband business unit towards the fiber technology and the Ethernet in the First Mile design to define the next generation broadband products. In 2003, Dr. Sala moved back to Spain joining UPF.
She has published scientific papers in top conferences and journals and made many technical contributions to international standards bodies. She holds more than 20 international patents in the field of broadband access technologies.