Jornades de Portes Obertes a l'Escola d'Enginyeria


Els Graus en Enginyeria de la UPF

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L'Escola d'Enginyeria UPF entre les 150 primeres del món en el rànquing del Times Higher Education

Es manté com a primera d’Espanya i entra dins el top 50 d’Europa.

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El Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, reconocido como unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu por segunda vez

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Vés enrere Internationally renowned artist and programmer Gene Kogan visits the UPF to give a workshop on Machine Learning and generative models for art.

Internationally renowned artist and programmer Gene Kogan visits the UPF to give a workshop on Machine Learning and generative models for art.

On June 11-12, Gene Kogan came to the UPF to teach on Machine Learning and generative models for art. Gene Kogan's workshops on Machine Learning applied to artistic expression are worldwide famous.



"Machine Learning and generative Models for Art" was a two-day workshop where various topics were addressed, such as history of Machine Learning,  Neural Networks, Tensorflow in the browser with ml5 and Deep Learning with tensorflow.


About Gene Kogan

Gene Kogan is an artist, programmer, and lecturer interested in generative systems, computer science, and software for creativity and self-expression. Gene initiated ml4a, a free book about machine learning for artists, activists, and citizen scientists, and regularly publishes video lectures, writings, and tutorials to facilitate a greater public understanding of the subject. His work has been shown at Ars Electronica, EYEBEAM, and the School for Poetic Computation.





ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
