Moreno Bote, Ruben
Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Computational Neuroscience
Dr. Rubén Moreno Bote is a Serra Hunter Professor at the department since 2015. Recipient of a PhD Extraordinary Prize in Physics in 2005 and a bachelor degree in Physics in 1999 by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, he was awarded a Ramón y Cajal Award in 2010 to create the first computational neuroscience group at the Foundation Sant Joan de Deu, before moving to the UPF. Dr. Moreno Bote is co-organizer of the conference Barcsyn and co-founder of the 1st Summer School in Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience in Barcelona. He is one of the leading scientists in population coding and neuronal dynamics approaches to brain functions, with special emphasis on the study of the computations of spiking neuronal networks. His theoretical work investigating the dynamics of neuronal networks has had a deep impact on the emergent field of Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience, as witnessed by the high number of citations and numerous invitations to give lectures in the most important research institutes, such as the NIH and the Max Planck Institute. His work has been published in highly prestigious research journals such as Nature Neuroscience, Physical Review Letters and PNAS.