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2023-2024 edition: “Inequality, Redistribution and the Labour Market: Reflections from the Deaton Review of Inequality”
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Presentació "Challenges for Competition Policy in the Digital Economy” (PDF)
Debat "Conseqüències econòmiques de la pandèmia"
Guillem López Casasnovas, José García Montalvo, i Walter Garcia-Fontes.
Vídeo complet de la Lliçó d'Economia
Degustibus est disputandum - The Emerging Science of Preference Formation
Ernst Fehr
UBS International Center of Economics in Society i de la University of Zurich
Predicting the Present with Search engine Data
Hal Varian
Universitat de Califòrnia a Berkeley i economista en cap de Google
The Human Side of Mechanism Design
Daniel L. Mc Fadden
Universitat de California
Premi Nobel d'Economia 2000
Platform Industries: How Telecoms, Software, Credit Cards, Media, and Videogames Differ from Other Markets, and What it Means for the future of the Economy
Jean Tirole
Universitat de Toulouse1
Premi Nobel d'Economia 2014
Exploring the Psychological Foundations of Judgment and Decision Making
The Size of Nations (PDF)
The Reform of Publicly Provided Pensions
Learning in Organizations and the Dilemmas of Adaptation
James March
Graduate School of Business de la Universitat de Stanford
Learning in Organizations and the Dilemmas of Adaptation
Strategic Rationality in the Light of Experimental Economics
Reinhard Selten
Universitat de Bonn
Premi Nobel d'Economia 1994
DIMECRES 21 D'OCTUBRE DE 1998 VA TENIR LLOC LA LLIÇÓ D'ECONOMIA DEL CURS 1998-99, amb el títol "Strategic Rationality in the Light of Experimental Economics", pronunciada pel professor Reinhard Selten, de la Universitat de Bonn i guardonat amb el premi Nobel d'economia l'any 1994.
Dynamic Asset Allocation and the Informational Efficiency of Markets
Sanford J. Grossman
Wharton School, Universitat de Pennsilvània
Economics as Science, as Accounting, as Religion
Christopher A. Sims
Universitat de Yale
Premi Nobel d'Economia 2011
Economics as Science, as Accounting, as Religion
Equality of Opportunity: A Theory and Examples
Equality of Opportunity: A Theory and Examples
Theories and Facts about the Business Cycle
Universitat de Stanford i National Bureau of Economic Research
Theories and Facts about the Business Cycle
The Wealth of Nations: Facts and Theory
Edward C. Prescott
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis i Universitat de Minnesota
Premi Nobel d'Economia 2004
The Wealth of Nations: Facts and Theory
Equity Rationing and Economic Fluctuations
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Universitat de Stanford
Premi Nobel d'Economia 2001
Equity Rationing and Economic Fluctuations
Macroeconomic Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution
Thomas J. Sargent
Universitat de Stanford i Universitat de Chicago
Premi Nobel d'Economia 2011
Macroeconomic Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution
Excellence and Equality in Education
Kenneth J. Arrow
Universitat de Stanford
Premi Nobel d'Economia 1972
Excellence and Equality in Education