Vés enrere Seminari: "Provocateurs, Self-Defense and “Stand Your Ground” Laws: A Matter of Rights Enforcement and Distributive Justice" (01.10.24)

Seminari: "Provocateurs, Self-Defense and “Stand Your Ground” Laws: A Matter of Rights Enforcement and Distributive Justice" (01.10.24)

Grup de Recerca en Dret Penal Económico-Empresarial


PonentDr. Leandro Dias (Professor de Dret penal a la Universitat de Würzburg, Alemanya)


Dimarts 1 d'octubre 2024


14:00 - 16:00 h


Aula 23.103 (Edfici Mercè Rodoreda)




    Confirmar assistència a: [email protected]